Real: Allan Ygniss / Brazor
de nascimento: planeta Rah
1,81m/2,07m peso:82kg/
Branca/ Celeste
castanhos/ brancos Olhos:
Base de
operações: a galáxia; possui um QG na Ilha Aedenn, na Terra.
ao qual pertence: Aliança Zenith; Ordem Celestial dos Cavaleiros Fênix
da Chama Eterna
e armas: Cetro de poder canalizador de energias cósmicas do fogo eterno;
armadura corpórea celestial, cinturão de teleporte. Possui hiper sentidos,
percepção extra-sensorial, capacidade de voar, super força, certa
invulnerabilidade, agilidade, reflexos e resistência extra-humanas, rajadas
óticas de fogo.
Real Name: Allan Ygniss / Brazor Dranel
Place of birth: Rah planet
Height: 1.81 m / 2.07 m Weight: 82kg / 170kg
Skin: White / Celeste
Hair: brown / white Eyes: brown / golden
Base of operations: the galaxy; has a HQ in Aedenn island on Earth.
Group to which it belongs: Alliance Zenith, Celestial Order of the Phoenix Knights of the Eternal Flame
Powers and weapons: Scepter of Power cosmic energies of eternal fire; celestial body armor, belt teleport. It has hyper senses, extrasensory perception, the ability to fly, super strength, invulnerability right, agility, reflexes and extra-human strength, fire optic blasts.
Ser cósmico de grande poder, Brazor é um dos protetores da
galáxia. Ele foi um dos maiores príncipes planetários do universo ,até que sua
ambição desmedida o desviou do caminho do bem e foi punido pelo conselho dos
Antix anciões das eras eternas. Brazor
foi banido para fora do céu superior e destituído de seus poderes e conquistas,
bem como de seus títulos de nobreza e de sua regência sobre seu sistema
planetário. Permaneceu no limbo milhares de anos até que foi decidido enviá-lo
à Terra para renascer e se redimir.
E assim foi como num dia especial, seu alter ego humano, nascido
para que Brazor pudesse encarnar no mundo, se encontrava numa ilha chamada
Aedenn, na costa sul
. Lá caminhando numa trilha densa na mata, Allan
Ygniss descobriu uma caverna oculta na floresta da ilha. De repente, uma
estranha tempestade formou-se o que o obrigou a procurar um refúgio devido aos
fortes ventos. Assim, Allan entrou na gruta para se proteger do temporal, porém
um raio misterioso atingiu a entrada da caverna e a selou para sempre. Ficando
inconsciente, ele despertou ao ouvir uma voz doce e cristalina feminina,
dizendo que ele havia sido o escolhido para uma grande missão.Ele foi levado
pela mulher resplandescente até um santuário secreto onde haviam estátuas e um
trono dourado. Ela, Raxsha Mahya lhe disse que devia preparar seu espirito,
pois seria transformado de corpo e alma. Dessa forma Allan dirigiu-se ao centro
do local, e colocando suas mãos numa esfera luminosa flutuante, foi banhado por
uma energia indescritível, que reativou sua memória, ressurgindo sua
personalidade de Brazor Dranel, tornando-se agora o Arauto Celestial, o Arcanjo
Tm & © 2013 Leonardo F. Laino
All Rights Reserved.
Brazor Fênix é um dos principais super heróis do Universo
Zenith, destacando-se pela liderança e poderes extraordinários.
Ele deveproteger a humanidade e aniquilar o mal em todas
suas formas. Raxsha Mahya irá guiá-lo em sua missão, sendo uma espécie de
consciência cósmica.
Brazor é um dos membros fundadores da Aliança Zenith, equipe
de super seres que conta também com Rukkon, Selenis, Demônio Das Trevas,
Umbriel, Thorja e Arkhanna entre outros.
ORIGIN (english text)
Cosmic being of great power, he is one of teh greatest protectors of the galaxy. He was one of the biggest planetary princes of the universe, until his ambition deviated him from the path of righteousness and was punished by the council of elders Antix the eternal ages. Brazor was banished out of the sky above and stripped of his powers and achievements, as well as their titles of nobility and its rule over its planetary system. Remained in limbo thousands of years until it was decided to send him to Earth to be reborn and to atone.
And so it was like a special day, his human alter ego, born to Brazor could incarnate in the world, was in an island called Aedenn on the south coast. There walking on a trail in dense forest, Allan Ygniss discovered a hidden cave in the forest of the island. Suddenly, a strange storm formed which forced him to seek refuge due to strong winds. So, Allan entered the cave for protection from the storm, but lightning struck the mysterious cave entrance and sealed forever. Rendered unconscious, he awoke to hear a female voice sweet and clear, saying that he had been chosen for a great challenge.He was led by the woman to a secret sanctuary where there were statues and golden throne. She Raxsha Mahya told him he should prepare his mind, it would be transformed in body and soul. Thus Allan went to the center of the site, and putting their hands in a luminous sphere floating was plated by an elusive power that revived his memory, restoring your personality Brazor Dranel, now becoming the Herald Heavenly Archangel Avenger .
TM & © 2013 Leonardo F. Laino
All Rights Reserved.
Brazor Phoenix is a major super heroes of the universe Zenith, highlighting the leadership and extraordinary powers.
He deveproteger mankind and annihilate the evil in all its forms. Raxsha Mahya will guide you in your quest, is a kind of cosmic consciousness.
Brazor is a founding member of the Alliance Zenith team of super beings who also has Rukkon, Selenis, Demon of Darkness, Umbriel, and Thorja Arkhanna among others.
ORIGIN (english text)
Cosmic being of great power, he is one of teh greatest protectors of the galaxy. He was one of the biggest planetary princes of the universe, until his ambition deviated him from the path of righteousness and was punished by the council of elders Antix the eternal ages. Brazor was banished out of the sky above and stripped of his powers and achievements, as well as their titles of nobility and its rule over its planetary system. Remained in limbo thousands of years until it was decided to send him to Earth to be reborn and to atone.
And so it was like a special day, his human alter ego, born to Brazor could incarnate in the world, was in an island called Aedenn on the south coast. There walking on a trail in dense forest, Allan Ygniss discovered a hidden cave in the forest of the island. Suddenly, a strange storm formed which forced him to seek refuge due to strong winds. So, Allan entered the cave for protection from the storm, but lightning struck the mysterious cave entrance and sealed forever. Rendered unconscious, he awoke to hear a female voice sweet and clear, saying that he had been chosen for a great challenge.He was led by the woman to a secret sanctuary where there were statues and golden throne. She Raxsha Mahya told him he should prepare his mind, it would be transformed in body and soul. Thus Allan went to the center of the site, and putting their hands in a luminous sphere floating was plated by an elusive power that revived his memory, restoring your personality Brazor Dranel, now becoming the Herald Heavenly Archangel Avenger .
TM & © 2013 Leonardo F. Laino
All Rights Reserved.
Brazor Phoenix is a major super heroes of the universe Zenith, highlighting the leadership and extraordinary powers.
He deveproteger mankind and annihilate the evil in all its forms. Raxsha Mahya will guide you in your quest, is a kind of cosmic consciousness.
Brazor is a founding member of the Alliance Zenith team of super beings who also has Rukkon, Selenis, Demon of Darkness, Umbriel, and Thorja Arkhanna among others.
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